Build, fix, upgrade,
and enjoy your home.

Minicastle helps fearless homeowners easily track issues, DIY projects, maintenance, and more.

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Build and Improve Anything

Whether you need to install, fix, replace, paint, or clean, Issues are here to help you get the job done.

Snapshot of Issues feature


Prioritize & Modularize

Struggling to remember where you left off? Areas automatically organize your projects, priorities, and stuff into a single view.

Snapshot of Areas feature


Turn Ideas into Reality

Plan ambitiously, then take stock of what you accomplish. Projects bring your vision to life.

Snapshot of Projects feature


Organize at Any Level

Your equipment, appliances, systems, and stuff are all valuable tools. Track relationships, costs, quantities, and more.

Snapshot of Inventory feature

Collaborate & Coordinate


Make it a party: invite unlimited roommates, partners, spouses, or friends to help manage anything.

Calendar View

Plan your weekends, or give yourself a deadline to finally get that project done.

Get Organized


Help your future self by saving contextual details. Link to files, photos, receipts, manuals, and budgets.


Not sure where to start? Discover suggestions as you work, or check out our guides for even more resources.

Take Control


You’ve already accomplished more than you know! Use reports to enjoy your progress as much as your plans.

Weekly Digests

Get automated reminders about everything going on with your house.

No Lock-In

Export your data at any time

Purpose-built for the job

Minicastle vs. Spreadsheets
  • Structured & Connected: Seamlessly view issues, inventory, and projects by area, status, and more. Don't waste time creating complicated logic to organize and link your data.
  • Effortlessly Collaborative: Share with anyone, and don't worry about finding or remembering specific links and spreadsheet names. Everything is easy to find and visible in a simple, concise interface.
  • Phone Friendly: Spreadsheets are painful to use when you're away from your desk. Access your data on the move with a mobile-friendly interface. No app download required.
  • Purpose Built: No need to re-invent the wheel! Enjoy software designed to help you get things done faster and better.
Minicastle vs. Project Management Apps
  • Purpose Built: We prioritize features, functionality, and experiences for homeowners. We shouldn't try to be everything to everyone.
  • Easy to Learn: No learning curve or template-tweaking required. Designed to get you up-and-running in minutes.
  • Organized by Area: The easiest way to understand what's going on your house is to see issues room-by-room. Get area-based views with no additional setup.
  • No Downloads: No more app downloads or updates. Enjoy an always fresh, mobile-friendly experience on the go, or a more spacious experience on your desktop.
Minicastle vs. Todo Lists
  • Focused & Purpose-Built: Your to-do list is full of all kinds of tasks and reminders, not just house work. Improve your home faster with a clear, concise list of action items for your house.
  • Organized: View issues and work by area, date, status, and more. All you have to do is walk into a room, and you'll know exactly what you want to work on.
  • Collaborative: Instantly share with partners, spouses, roommates, and any one else that shares your home.
  • Help Your Future Self: To-do items disappear as soon as they're complete. Use completed issues to help you solve problems in the future, especially by adding notes, links, images, cost information, and more.
Minicastle vs. Notebooks & Binders
  • Instantly Available: Your information is available wherever you are. No need to go ruffling through closets, drawers, or notebooks for random pieces of paper.
  • Organized & Efficient: Find what you need with just a few clicks, keywords, or less. Issues are immediately organized by area, time, status, and more.
  • Collaborative: Instantly share with partners, spouses, roommates, and anyone else that shares your home - from anywhere. They don't need to remember anything other than their email.
Minicastle vs. Other Home Apps
  • Built just for homeowners: We're not here to sell you ads, handyman services, home insurance, a new roof, or another house. Our app is built just for you and what you actually need. We have no customers other than homeowners.
  • All-in-one: We hope to be the only tool you need to manage your home. No more bouncing between apps, spreadsheets, and notebooks.
  • In it for the long-run: We use Minicastle to manage our own home. As much as we enjoyed life before buying a home, our goal is to keep owning a home (or two) for the next 60+ years until we drop dead or move to space. Our plan is to use Minicastle for the whole ride.

Home Improvement is hard.
Let’s help you figure out what’s next.

Start with our interactive guides, or access Suggestions directly as you work.

Homeowners Guide 2024

Used by hundreds of homeowners, condo-owners, and renters.

🐯Brandon H. (joined August 2024)

“I can't tell you enough how much stress this has saved me. I was constantly overwhelmed by the sheer number of things I needed to do to my place (very old home and dilapidated when we purchased it)...

Minicastle allowed me some sanity back and now I can boil these huge projects down into small manageable Issues that can be checked off one by one, until the seemingly big scary project is completed.”

Grow and invest in your home, skills, or business.
Start today for free.

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Keeper Plan
Pro Plan
Custom Plan
Great for
Homeowners, Renters
Airbnb Hosts, ADU Owners, Rental Providers
Architects, Builders, Retailers, Franchises
$105 / year
Up to 5
Public Buildings